Thursday, October 1, 2009

food porn theme song...

No Salad as a meal - eat vicariously....

But seriously, this is one of the most beautiful food blogs I have stumbled across to date. The photography is amazing - I am literally having trouble writing about it because i don't want to sully the cool clean feeling the restaurant review of Saion in San-Fransisco has left me with.

I want to live in this blogosphere for a while in quiet sophistication...I want to tattoo that fork with all it's crooked tines somewhere on my body...I want to....well, I'm sure you get the picture...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Summa-Time Mayo and Cheese

What started as a weekly intention to post has now turned into a monthly (if even that often) event - who ever said that art imitates life had it right, even creative pursuits have their periods of ebb and flow...

As the heat and the humidity rise, I find my mind wandering from the practical to thoughts of romps in the outdoors, rolls in the proverbial hay, skinny dips in the cool of the night, and of course - fair food (a gal's gotta keep her energy up). In the Hoosier State, fair food is often defined by giant, pre-historic looking, legs of smoked turkey, fried stuff (I have actually had fried Coca-Cola), and smoky, buttery, ears of corn still steaming in their husks. Just thinking about it transports me to a fantasy land of sticky picnic tables and food trucks.

It's currently State Fair time here in Indiana and everyone knows that to be fair food Mecca. So, while cruising the greater world of Internet "food porn" for inspiration a golden ear of corn and tangy lime wedge caught my eye and I could not resist the urge to pay tribute. The Kitchn is an adorable blog chocked full of great recipes, gorgeous photos, neat home tips and a burgeoning collection of regional food guides. I stumbled on their special week long series devoted to making street food at home.

Check out their recipe for Elote, or Mexican roasted Sweet Corn

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

in need of a quickie...or a Parisian Hot Dog...

I am feeling lazy and since I forgot to post on my normal day (yesterday) I found myself in need of a quick fix. As in life, sometimes we don't have time to do it the long slow drawn out way we want to, but instead have to settle for a shorter version that, well, better fits the daily schedule - that's what you are getting here - wham bam thank you ma'am. And the blog Almost Bourdain is perfect for the job. Most of the time I find a photo I love, and then am wowed by the blog - so much so, that I read every post from the time it was created. This one, not so much so - but I like the silliness factor, and the fact that it is in a way an homage to Anthony Bourdain - one of the sexiest men (in my opinion) in food pop culture. Plus, the references to sex are just over the top and could I resist?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All phallic references aside...

it was the red behind the bagel that got me. I swear. Whisk is a really fun blog, and I like the tasting notes section; something i have yet to encounter in my quest to scout uncharted food blogs (or at least uncharted by me). Unfortunately however, I am too sleepy to have anything really profound to say except, check out some of the other posts - the pork roast with prunes looks pretty tasty.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Figs are sexy....even sideways

After combing food blogs this morning I noticed a trend in my levels of attraction - all breakfast(y) items. Albeit, I almost posted a photo of bacon & avocado pizza...but then I saw the figs - on pancakes...ricotta pancakes....with honey...and butter...and I was hooked. The blog itself looks to be pretty great (I'll be reading more posts this afternoon I am sure) and the figs are the center of attention for the post - which they should be...all dark on the outside and pink on the I want pancakes, or my husband? The key to good food porn...I can have both! Can't wait to try this one at home...anyone want to babysit?

p.s. I found this on Hedonistic Hostess

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Thai Green Curry Chicken with Red Bell Pepper, Zucchini, and Fresh Basil from Usually, I think is a busy, annoying website that is too full of sponsored links - but today, I'll cut them some slack because of the gorgeous picture that lured me in. It's humid and sort of rainy here so that must be fueling my desire to have the sweet spicy goodness that is green curry. Because I can't get to the grocery to buy the ingredients until this weekend, I'll have to wait to try making this at home. I can tell you now that I'll probably swap out the chicken thighs for white meat out of personal preference.