Wednesday, June 17, 2009

in need of a quickie...or a Parisian Hot Dog...

I am feeling lazy and since I forgot to post on my normal day (yesterday) I found myself in need of a quick fix. As in life, sometimes we don't have time to do it the long slow drawn out way we want to, but instead have to settle for a shorter version that, well, better fits the daily schedule - that's what you are getting here - wham bam thank you ma'am. And the blog Almost Bourdain is perfect for the job. Most of the time I find a photo I love, and then am wowed by the blog - so much so, that I read every post from the time it was created. This one, not so much so - but I like the silliness factor, and the fact that it is in a way an homage to Anthony Bourdain - one of the sexiest men (in my opinion) in food pop culture. Plus, the references to sex are just over the top and could I resist?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

All phallic references aside...

it was the red behind the bagel that got me. I swear. Whisk is a really fun blog, and I like the tasting notes section; something i have yet to encounter in my quest to scout uncharted food blogs (or at least uncharted by me). Unfortunately however, I am too sleepy to have anything really profound to say except, check out some of the other posts - the pork roast with prunes looks pretty tasty.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Figs are sexy....even sideways

After combing food blogs this morning I noticed a trend in my levels of attraction - all breakfast(y) items. Albeit, I almost posted a photo of bacon & avocado pizza...but then I saw the figs - on pancakes...ricotta pancakes....with honey...and butter...and I was hooked. The blog itself looks to be pretty great (I'll be reading more posts this afternoon I am sure) and the figs are the center of attention for the post - which they should be...all dark on the outside and pink on the I want pancakes, or my husband? The key to good food porn...I can have both! Can't wait to try this one at home...anyone want to babysit?

p.s. I found this on Hedonistic Hostess