What started as a weekly intention to post has now turned into a monthly (if even that often) event - who ever said that art imitates life had it right, even creative pursuits have their periods of ebb and flow...
As the heat and the humidity rise, I find my mind wandering from the practical to thoughts of romps in the outdoors, rolls in the proverbial hay, skinny dips in the cool of the night, and of course - fair food (a gal's gotta keep her energy up). In the Hoosier State, fair food is often defined by giant, pre-historic looking, legs of smoked turkey, fried stuff (I have actually had fried Coca-Cola), and smoky, buttery, ears of corn still steaming in their husks. Just thinking about it transports me to a fantasy land of sticky picnic tables and food trucks.
It's currently State Fair time here in Indiana and everyone knows that to be fair food Mecca. So, while cruising the greater world of Internet "food porn" for inspiration a golden ear of corn and tangy lime wedge caught my eye and I could not resist the urge to pay tribute.
The Kitchn is an adorable blog chocked full of great recipes, gorgeous photos, neat home tips and a burgeoning collection of regional food guides. I stumbled on their special week long series devoted to making street food at home.
Check out their recipe for Elote, or Mexican roasted Sweet Corn